The Anime That Didn’t Make Us #10 – Oh Family!, Haunted Junction

It’s an Anthony & Brian-only episode of The Anime That Didn’t Make Us this time out. And one I should have posted about a month ago. Whoops.

Oh Family! – heartwarming orphantainment with a distinctly American flavour from 1986.

Haunted Junction – another late-night anime from 1997 that Anthony would have definitely not been allowed to watch.

Let’s Go! #127 – Let’s Be Famous Painters

Header image showing Kitaro and Neko Musume in disguise

It’s post-con podcast catch-up DAY THREE!

Niall’s back from Korea, and all the shows are back on the schedule. Kitaro and Neko Musume go under cover to catch a ghost, Senku decides they are going to have leapfrog millenia of technological developments to beat Tsukasa and Iruma-kun has a lesson in demonic horticulture.

Let’s Go! #126 – Let’s Have A War

Header image of Hyoga from Dr. Stone

It’s post-con podcast catch-up DAY TWO!

Still only Brian & Dwayne, but this time Dwayne’s microphone is working and Brian’s back to recording from mixer to laptop. Just like old times~! This week’s episode marks the start of the Stone War, the continuation of the cross-country fly in Iruma-kun and a bunch of other shows weren’t on due to the rugby (I guess?).