Episode 128 – Anime Villain Poker

Anime Villain Poker

List podcasts! We’ve all heard them, and some of us have even recorded them. But taking our cue from the cruelly shuttered Treehouse, we are now adding the spice of competition to our list shows, beginning with Villains. Brian, Anthony and guests Bradley C Meek and Elliot Page have each created a list of anime villains and will battle it out to see whose list is the most diabolical.

Plus, WATCHUWATCH is introduced with an especially strained pun and our Weekly Retro Recap is episode 1 of Beck Mongolian Chop Squad.


Episode 127 – One Piece Film Z



Bradley C. Meek and Dwayne Moloney join us to ostensibly talk about the 2012 One Piece movie, Film Z. However, Anthony has lots of questions about One Piece, and so it ends up more of a general One Piece discussion.

Plus all the usual features: WATCHUWATCH, Major Episode 2 is our Weekly Retro Recap and a game! This week it’s ANIME ALPHABET.

NB: There’s a few connection problems with Bradley late in the episode due to his housemate watching things on Netflix, but they are mostly confined to the game section.

Episode 126 – Cowboy Bebop Part 2


Beaming in from the Secret of the Sailor Madness, Niall Flanagan joins us to talk about the back 13 episodes of Cowboy Bebop. Mushrooms, Cowboys, Exploding Birds and a surprising amount of episodes Brian couldn’t remember all feature in this bumper episode of DITB.

Plus: the Weekly Retro Recap is the opening episode of the baseball epic Major. and we debut the new recurring quiz format “KIDS OR CREEPS?”

Episode 125 – Dragon Ball Z : Battle Of Gods


It’s been over three weeks since we recorded an episode, can we remember how to podcast? Lewis Smith joins us to find out and to discuss the 2013 Dragon Ball movie, BATTLE OF GODS. And a whole lot more besides. For instance the inability to purchase back issues in the international WSJ app, something that was remedied hours after we recorded this, making us look like instant dummies.

All this plus our Weekly Retro Recap, which this week is episode 1 of SAMURAI 7.

Episode 124 – 2013 In Review


Bradley C. Meek is back with us for our first episode of the new year, as week talk all our favourite things from the past year of anime. That’s right, it’s an hour and a half of singing the praises of one Mako Mankanshoku.

A few other topics manage to shoulder their way in, including the first Weekly Retro Recap of 2004 – Agatha Christie’s Great Detectives Poirot and Marple.

NB: this was recorded before Episode 12 of Kill La Kill aired. Had we seen it, this podcast might have been us mainly talking about that.

Episode 123 – Winter Preview


Bradley C. Meek joins us to preview the first new anime of 2014, while bidding a fond farewell to 2013’s Autumn shows. And to gang up with Anthony on one of Brian’s favourite shows of the past 3 months. It’s not fair, I tell you.

The execrable Mouse is our Weekly Retro Recap and Brian has the gain turned up too high on his new mixer…

Episode 120 – Millennium Actress


Leon Everett joins us today to talk Satoshi Kon’s feature film, Millennium Actress. And to be stunned into silence by Anthony’s opinions on it. Take a listen for yourself and see how you react. It’s quite the thing.

Plus: Licensed by Royalty episode 4 is our Weekly Retro Recap and we play a game of WILLENNIUM ACTRESS.