Let’s Go! Episode 56 – Let’s Throw A Frog Down A Waterfall

Let's Throw A Frog Down A Waterfall

Dwayne and Brian are here to guide you through a week’s worth of anime. Pikotaro is in a hole, Chipmunk tries to murder a frog, the Asakura clan plot their next move, Nina goes to a party, reality comes crashing down on Tatara and Sengoku, Roshi takes the fight to Universe 4 and the Vatican Miracle Examiners solve the case, but open a whole can of worms when they find a secret door!

Episode 258 – We All Went To Kitacon

Anthony and Brian are joined by Niall Flanagan and Ebbie (BizarreJelly5) to run down the highlights and the lowlights of a weekend spent at Warwick Arts Centre in the company of roughly 1500 attendees of Kitacon. We’re not even joking!

You can hear the parody songs that we discuss on this podcast here.

Episode 256 – All Purpose, Pre-Recorded Convention Commentary

Use this MP3 to guide you through your anime convention. From buying a ticket to coming home, Anthony and Brian cover everything you can expect to encounter at an anime convention. And few things you won’t. And it works for any anime convention. 100% generic and definitely not mainly about the upcoming Kitacon.

Talking of which, join Brian on Friday 18th August 2017 in Woods-Scawen for “Anime Space Disco”, on Saturday 19th August in the Theatre for “MADstravaganza” and join the whole DITB gang for a live episode on Sunday 20th in The Studio!

Let’s Go! Episode 52 – Let’s Cast Out The Devil!

Vatican Miracle Examiner is this week’s best anime as the first arc draws to its explosive conclusion. Meanwhile the battle with Stain draws to a close in My Hero Academia, another 7 entrants get eliminated in Dragon Ball Super and a pretty good pun falls afoul of clumsy translation in Bono Bono. All this and more in another episode of Let’s Go, the weekly anime podcast about weekly anime!

Episode 255 – My Neighbour Totoro

My Neighbour Totoro

We failed to get to the Genocidal Organ screenings last month, so we needed an equivalent replacement. What better replacement than 1988’s My Neighbour Totoro? What’s more, our guest Grace Chan did see Genocidal Organ so we can find out how they compare.

Plus a game of “Neighbours” and Anthony’s Neighbour The Lambton Worm…