Episode 243 – Ghost In The Shell

We take another detour into the world of live action adaptations of anime & manga with 2017’s Ghost In The Shell. Jon Anning and Grace Chan join us to discuss the ins and outs of this Scarlett Johansson vehicle. Were the 9 years spent on development and production worth it?

Plus returning game “If Paul Rudd Was Anime” in a new, revamped format!

Let’s Go! Episode 35 – An Orderly Coup

As we were a little late this week, and as new anime was starting, we’ve heaping helping of the Let’s Go Gang for you.

Goku & Gohan go recruiting. BORT arrives on the scene. School’s in for Midoriya and friends. Goma-chan comes back only to go away again. Chidori spreads the word. Chipmunk learns something new. The finale of the War Game takes place. And the fate of the Dowa kingdom is revealed. Plus: Salesmen, Titans, Florists and more!

Famous Anime Podcast – Shonen Jump: Kochikame Onwards

Niall Flanagan from Secret of the Sailor Madness & Let’s Go join us as we return rating the fame of anime based on Shonen Jump manga. This week we look at manga that began between 1976 and 1984, from Kochikame to Fist of the North Star. Will we make the right choices for the next entries into the Famous Anime Podcast’s Hall of Anime Fame?

Other podcasts might tell you about unknown shows that you need to check out, but the Famous Anime Podcast is here to confirm that other people have heard about the anime you already know about!

Episode 242 – Serial Experiments Lain

Take a trip with us back to the wonderful world of 1998 in the company of Grace Chan and Jon Anning. We take a look at the Ryutaro Nakamura, Chiaki J Konaka and Yoshitoshi ABe project Serial Experiments Lain. A glimpse at the plugged in cyber-future that awaited us, how does it look 19 years later? We find out on today’s episode of Dynamite In The Brain.

Famous Anime Podcast – Shonen Jump: The Dragon Ball Years

After a few tweaks to the format following our pilot episode, here’s the first episode of the Famous Anime Podcast, the podcast all about Famous Anime. Elliot Page of UK Anime Network and Lewis Smith of Car and Mechanical are here to help us decide which of the anime based on Shonen Jump properties launched between the start of Dragon Ball and the start of Slam Dunk can enter the Famous Anime Podcast’s Hall of Anime Fame.

Other podcasts might tell you about unknown shows that you need to check out, but the Famous Anime Podcast is here to confirm that other people have heard about the anime you already know about!

Let’s Go! Episode 31 – The Bokan Files

bokan files

The Truth Is In Here. It’s all about Truth on Let’s Go this week! The truth about the universal elimination tournament. The truth about Jean’s parents. And most importantly of all, the truth about the moon landing in 1969. All these truths reveal themselves on this week’s Let’s Go! The Weekly Anime Podcast About Weekly Anime.