DITB #289 – Detroit Metal City

Oh boy. It’s been a while since we’ve gone on so many tangents that we forget to provide a synopsis. So I better do one here.

All Soichi Negishi wants to be is a twee indie pop star, but he’s been press ganged into being the lead singer and songwriter for Death Metal Records’ top band, Detroit Metal City. Torn between being a nice country boy and maintaining the persona of the demonic monster Johannes Krauser II, Soichi keeps finding himself in awkward social situations – many of his own making.

However, Anthony has a lot of questions about the world of heavy metal for our guests Greg and Holly, so there’s a lot of that too.

Let’s Go! #106 – Let’s Rescue Some Old Folks (and some old folks dressed as children)

This week on Let’s Go! the provisional superhero licence exams continue in My Hero Academia, as things turn from super-powered dodgeball to a more practical appliance of superhero skills. Plus: two episodes of Working Buddies, death and cake in Ninja Girl & Samurai Master and Planet With carries on even though it ended last week!

DITB #287- Lupin III: The Blood Spray of Goemon Ishikawa

We got impatient and watched the 2017 Takeshi Koike Lupin III outing. Hopefully this weekend Discotek will announce they are releasing it and we can figure out the finer plot details from that.

In the meantime, we discuss the Lupin Laboratory that are these OAVs-come-Movies, and the sheer amount unpleasant wounds contained in The Blood Spray of Goemon Ishikawa.

Also, we talk about our time at Amecon.