Episode 191 – Wrestling Anime II

We’re back with our second look at wrestling related anime. This time we check out Kinnikuman, Plawres Sanshiro, a Dirty Pair OAV, Metal Fighter Miku and Wanna Be the Strongest in the World. And joining us to do all that is Gary Hedges.

Except he forgot to watch any of the anime we told him to watch!

But that won’t stop us recording a podcast, so join us as we dabble our toes in the stormy waters of wrestling themed anime and play a game of ANIME ACRONYMS~!

Episode 190 – Anime Cat Poker

anime cat

It’s been a while, but we are back at the poker table as Elliot Page from UK Anime Network Podcast and Niall Flanagan from Secret of the Sailor Madness join us to match anime cat against anime cat in a feline flurry of fury. Robot cats, dead cats, live cats and men dressed as cats all feature in this game-packed episode of Dynamite In The Brain.

Episode 189 – Schedule Obligation Podcast

Recorded on August 19th, this podcast exists so we will hit episode 200 at the right time. We discuss episode 200, Leeds Film Festival and Flaming Hot Monster Munch. Plus: Brian makes too many mouse clicking noises. Sorry about that. Feel free to skip this episode, there’ll be another along shortly…

Episode 188 – Rumiko Takahashi On TV

Rumiko Takahashi

Aaron Long joins us to watch an episode from each and every one of the TV adaptations of Rumiko Takahashi’s work. From visa problems to penguins to pandas to yokai, it’s all here on this episode recorded 12th July. Not quite 2 months late! Hopefully I managed to catch every reference to Kitacon and get them edited out.

And when you’ve finished listening to this, go watch Aaron’s new cartoon Sublo & Tangy Mustard!

Episode 187 – Doraemon The Movie: Nobita’s Dinosaur 2006


We double down on atomic cats, as we check out a couple of episodes of the Disney XD dub of Doraemon, before experiencing the masterpiece that is the 2006 Doraemon movie, Nobita’s Dinosaur.

Recorded June 24th, so already out of date, as UK’s Boomerang channel started airing Doraemon this week, upping the channel’s cat quotient beyond its already dangerously high levels of Tom, Sylvester and Garfield.

Here’s those Toyota commercials

Episode 186 – Kitacon!


July 31st to August 2nd. Birmingham Hilton Metropole. Why would Brian Smith, Anthony Askew and Niall Flanagan meet in these hallowed halls on that weekend? To attend Kitacon, of course! The anime convention that appears ashamed of its roots and fudges things by calling itself a “UK Anime and Geek Culture Convention”.

Boo to all things marketing themselves as “Geek Culture”.

Anyway, you can find more of this sort of thing in the podcast, so listen and enjoy, as three men successfully spend nearly 2 hours convincing themselves that they had a good time.

Plus: a quiz.

Episode 185 – Tatsunoko Pro Classics

tatsunoko pro

Time to dip back into the backlog, and in this episode recorded 27th May, Niall Flanagan joins us to learn Just Enough To Bluff on the topic of classic Tatsunoko Pro shows.

Gatchaman, Tekkaman, Yatterman and some other shows that don’t end in -man get checked out on this episode of Dynamite In The Brain. Plus, we play a game of “Sorting Out The Men From The Boys”.



Episode 184 – Retro Recap: 2005 Anime

Retro Recap 2005 Anime

Do you want to know how bad our hayfever was on May 20th this year? Well good news, we are back with another episode from our backlog where you can hear that for yourselves! More to the point, we sample six different 2005 anime and see if their first episodes grab us a decade on.

On the slab tonight, Bludgeoning Angel Dokoro-chan, Animal Yokocho, Trinity Blood, Gallery Fake, Honey & Clover and Basilisk.

Episode 183 – Spring Anime Review & Summer Anime Preview

Summer Anime Preview

The Summer’s here and the time is right for a round up of the just-finishing and the just-about-to-start anime with Bradley Meek of the The Anime Now Podcast. That’s right, it’s the Summer Anime Preview episode!

What did we manage to watch? What catches our eye? What is the name of the quiz we’ve played multiple times before? We answer two of these questions on this episode of the podcast and if you know the answer to the other one, please add a comment.


Episode 182 – World Masterpiece Theater

world masterpiece theatre

What better way to spend Father’s Day than in the company of a bunch of orphans! That’s right, it’s an All Just Enough To Bluff episode of DITB focussing on World Masterpiece Theater. Niall Flanagan joins us as we check out the first episodes of Rocky Chuck, Heidi, A Dog of Flanders, Marco: 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother, The Story of Perrine, Anne of Green Gables and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Plus to rub it into these cartoon orphans some more, we celebrate anime dads with a game of “Who’s The Daddy?”