Episode 161 – 1984

[ARR] Gu-Gu Ganmo - 01 [0D446068].mkv_snapshot_00.07_[2014.11.12_20.41.31]
[mSubs] Heavy Metal L-Gaim 01 v2 [FFBFF607].mkv_snapshot_00.03_[2014.11.12_20.40.47]
(G_P) Panzer World Galient 01(x264)(49F9FF91).mkv_snapshot_00.11_[2014.11.12_20.41.07]
[ARR] Yoroshiku Mechadock - 01 [F8424FBD].mkv_snapshot_00.08_[2014.11.12_20.42.17]
[a-classic] Giant Gorg - 01 [1ad20683].avi_snapshot_00.11_[2014.11.12_20.42.42]

It’s a special ALL RETRO RECAP episode as we go back to 1984 and look at the opening episodes of five anime shows from that year. There are giant pink chickens with GU-GU GANMO. 1984’s answer to Space Dandy shows up in HEAVY METAL L-GAIM. There are more giant chickens in PANZER WORLD GALIENT. The concept of car tuning gets its very own show with YOROSHIKU MECHADOCK. And finally we visit 80’s New York in GIANT GORG.

Plus our regular Weekly Retro Recap too.

Better late than never, it’s Dynamite in the Brain!

Episode 160 – Judge

my name is judge

It’s Halloween and for a change we aren’t talking about a vampire anime. Instead we take a look at the 1991 supernatural law OAV, Judge with guests Niall Flanagan and Leon Everertt. Maybe we should have stuck to the vampires.

On a less spooky note, Ninja Nonsense episode 2 is our Weekly Retro Recap and we play a game of MEGA CITY ONE or MEGA CITY NONE?


Episode 159 – Space Dandy Season 2


We are joined by Ebbie from OKKO Anime Club and Niall from SOTSM to talk the best anime of all time, Space Dandy Season 2. All thirteen episodes, episode by episode.

Plus, Brian has the flu and wouldn’t realise until five days after recording this that it wasn’t his turn to do the Weekly Retro Recap on Ninja Nonsense. So who knows what other fever inspired delusions he might spout this episode. He doesn’t know, because he didn’t listen back to it. So find out for yourself and let him know in the comments.

And as it was a week or so into the new season of anime when we recorded this, we do a WATCHUWATCH as well.


Episode 158 – Silver Fang


Greg Driver joins us as we follow up our ALL-DOG EPISODE with a look at our favourite show from that episode, SILVER FANG or GINGA NAGAREBOSHI GIN. Do you like dogs? Do you like bloody 80s shonen violence? Do you want to see that violence performed by realistically drawn dogs? On bears? Then this is the show for you!

Also contains some MOBY DICK and JAWS for good measure.

Plus, our Weekly Retro Recap is My-HiME and WATCHUWATCH weturns!

It’s a week late, but it’s always great, it’s DITB.

Episode 157 – Autumn Anime Preview


All you really need to know about this Autumn’s anime is that the duck above is wearing a crown, and it appears in Shingeki no Bahamut Genesis. But should you need to know more about what guest Bradley C. Meek and ourselves thought about the Summer anime that we checked out and the upcoming Autumn anime that catches our fancy, then here is nigh on two hours of chat about that very subject!

Episode 155 – Armitage III Poly-Matrix


Lewis Smith joins us today to talk about Armitage III Poly-Matrix. Don’t worry if you haven’t seen Armitage I or Armitage II, they don’t exist. Instead listen to us discuss the relative merits of Kiefer Sutherland, voice actor, and whether Randy Savage is Cyberpunk. Plus, more Paranoia Agent and a round of the game “Get Your A(nswer)ss To Mars!”

Episode 154 – Blade of the Phantom Master


Bradley C. Meek joins us today to talk the Korea/Japan co-production Blade of the Phantom Master. If you listen carefully you’ll hear the sound a barrel being scraped. Or at least some obvious edits. To make up for the unrelentingly average topic of the week, Paranoia Agent episode 3 is our Weekly Retro Recap and we play a game guaranteed to have you shouting at your mp3 player.

Next week: We watch something that Brian hasn’t watched in 15 years and Anthony hasn’t watched at all.

Episode 152 – Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & The Punisher


The first in series of episodes that we’ve taken far too long to put out. This week, Brian and Anthony try and wring an episodes worth of material out of the 2014 OAV, Avengers Confidential.

They also have Paranoia Agent episode 1 as their Weekly Retro Recap. Which of these animated masterpieces proved to be the more satisfying viewing experience? Find out on the late(st) episode of Dynamite In The Brain!