Episode 151 – Ebichu Minds The House


Grace Chan joins us today to talk the 1998 satellite anime sex comedy starring the voice of Sailor Moon as a hamster, and the voice of Sailor Mars as her owner.  I miss the late 90s.

Plus, Desert Punk continues in Weekly Retro Recap as we meet the other lead character of the show, and we play a pet themed quiz too!

Grace’s Youtube Channel

Episode 150 – Ghost In The Shell


Episode 150! And what better way to celebrate than discussing the 1995 film Ghost In The Shell with Jon Anning? Turns out there is a better a way, to celebrate with cake, in a game we like to call BATEAU OR GATTEAU?

Even after that there’s room for dessert, Dessert Punk that is, as it enters week 3 of it’s Weekly Retro Recap.

Episode 149 – 20th Century Boys


We finally do an episode about the 20th Century Boys trilogy of live action films. And inevitably this means we discuss the manga too. So if you are afraid of ~SPOILERS~ be aware that we eventually spoil the hell out of both. We do let you know in the episode when we are about to, so switch off at that point, as we aren’t kidding around.

If you’re not bothered, then listen to the whole episode and enjoy the brief return of WATCHUWATCH at the end of the episode.

Episode 148 – Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Madoka Magica

Brian finally agreed to watch Madoka Magica so now hopefully Anthony will stop suggesting it as a podcast topic. Joining us is Brett Pattison to provide Anthony with an ally as Brian grumbles about having to watch Akiyuki Shinbo & Gen Urobuchi’s 2011 treatise on the magical girl genre.

And in the Weekly Retro Recap we watch the first episode of Desert Punk.

Watch Madoka Magica on Netflix.

Watch Desert Punk on Hulu.

Episode 147 – Summer Preview


It’s that time again when we invite young Mr. Bradley C. Meek into your ears to talk about all the anime we watched over the last three months and all the anime we will fail to watch over the next three. And Space Dandy Season 2, which obviously we are all going to watch without failure, because it is just so swell.

Episode 2 of Sgt. Frog is our Weekly Retro Recap and Brian finally comes up with a variation on the “guess which year this famous anime started” quiz that is a little easier. All that and more in another bumper edition of Dynamite In The Brain!

Episode 146 – Anime Baldy Poker


Dwayne Moloney joins Anthony and Brian to play a game of Anime Baldy Poker. Somehow we get a lot of mileage out talking bald cartoon characters despite not really having a enough people to properly play this game or talking about all the bald guys we had on our lists.

Plus, another bald guy is our Weekly Retro Recap, the completely hair free (except when he has an Afro), Sergeant Frog. So grit your ears and get ready for your weekly dose of DITB!

Episode 145 – The Big O Season 1


Cast in name of Pod. Ye not guilty. That’s right, the Let’s Go JoJo crew are going Big O for a change as Niall and Dwayne join us to talk the 1999 TV series, The Big O. And to try really hard not to talk about Season 2. We almost manage it.

And Anthony picked Gundam Seed Destiny episode 1 as this week’s Weekly Retro Recap. You can probably guess how well that went.

Episode 144 – City Hunter


Phillip, aka the erstwhile Eeeper, joins us today to talk about the 1993 live action adaptation of Tsukasa Hojo’s manga City Hunter, starring Jackie Chan. Our first non-anime episode has taken almost a year of non-planning, and here it is, a completely different film than the one we were planning to do. Never mind, as we get into a film that is certainly memorable for all sorts of reasons, some good, some bad, some Gary Daniels in his pants.

Plus, this week’s Weekly Retro Recap is all Brian’s fault. That’s right, it’s Elfen Lied episode 1. What a mistake to make!

Episode 142 – Tiger & Bunny: The Rising

Tiger & Bunny: The Rising

Brian went to the BFI last weekend and saw the new Tiger and Bunny movie, Tiger & Bunny: The Rising. Anthony didn’t, and so he watched Space Pirate Captain Harlock instead. This is a podcast about those two things.

It is also a podcast about episode 1 of Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig which is our Weekly Retro Recap. And WATCHUWATCH sort of makes a return at the end of the episode in lieu of a game.

Watch Space Pirate Captain Harlock on Netflix.