Famous Anime Podcast – Yet More Light Novels

A bonus podcast to cover the lack of Let’s Go! this week, it’s the slightly late arrival of the third of our Famous Anime Podcasts about light novel adaptations. Aaron Long joins us to figure out which late nineties light novel adaptations and multi-media blitzes still linger in pop culture’s collective consciousness in 2017!

Famous Anime Podcast – Time Travellers

If you could go back in time and change one thing what would it be? For me it would have been to remember to include Super Jetter in this list anime time travel shows. Regardless, Niall joins us once more to vote on which famous anime time travellers are worthy of entry into the Famous Anime Podcast’s Hall of Anime Fame!

On the podcast we declare that one of these is very unlikely to get a Western release. Then days after recording it was announced that it will play in cinemas and be out on Blu Ray soon. So from now on we will declare on every episode that Adventures of Gamba and Dokaben will never be released in English.

Famous Anime Podcast – More Shonen Jump Anime

Lewis and Holly stick with us to help decide which of 11 more anime based on Shonen Jump manga are deserving of the sobriquet “Famous”. This time round we look at anime based on manga that began between 1990 to 1997. What titles will enter the Famous Anime Podcast’s Hall of Anime Fame? Listen and find out!

The music video for Hell Teacher Nube’s Theme