Episode 204 – Best Anime of 2011

Best Anime of 2011

As we mentioned on episode 200, due to being busy with non-podcast activities, something had to give and so here is the first of our lazy, lazy, list episodes! Niall joins us as we run down our Top 10 anime of 2011. (And try to figure out the format of these episodes!).

These list episodes will alternate with regular DITB episodes when we are able to record. However due to conventions and other commitments, some weeks we’ll run classic episodes or guest spots.

For these list episodes our plan is to go back in 5 year intervals and run down our favourite anime from those years until we can’t. After that? You’ll have to wait and see!

Episode 33 – Happy New Website



So tell all the boys and girls. Your brother and your sister and your mamma too.

And then get mad that Google autocompletes “word up lyrics” as “word up lyrics korn” before it does “word up lyrics cameo”. I ask you, what’s the world coming to?

Well it’s come to this – Anthony and myself running down our top five anime shows of 2011. What will win? What will have been forgotten? Will we mention Madoka Magica at all?


Then, not satisfied with that, we pick what shows look good to us in 2012. HINT: Spherical cats and swordsmen feature.

All this and the revelation of what anime character Anthony most identifies with!

Episode 30 – Tiger & Bunny


We are joined by Lewis Smith for a lengthy talk about Sunrise’s superhero buddy comedy, Tiger & Bunny. There were some recording problems during this, meaning we lost some material. I think I edited it to make sense, but apologies in advance if you hear call backs to things you didn’t hear earlier.

00:00 – 50:00 SPOILER FREE series overview
50:00 – 100:00 SPOILER-laden in depth discussion of the show. And there might be some Big O spoilers in there too. Though possibly not as I couldn’t recall exactly what I was trying to recall. You have been warned.

Lewis’ plug: Zen Creations Canvas Painting

Ask us questions at Formspring

Theme music by Paul Smith of quiet quiet band.

You can find Anthony Askew on the web here, here , on twitter here and on youtube here.

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