Episode 91 – Slayers The Motion Picture

Slayers The Motion Picture

Gary Hedges joins us today to talk about Slayers The Motion Picture (1995), Lina and Naga’s first animated outing together. Plus all the usual features, with this week’s Weekly Retro Recap being episode 1 of Zatch Bell.

And yes, there is a game. One which we had to record twice as the rules in the first attempt made it something of a disaster. Is the final version any less of a disaster? You be the judge!

Episode 82 – Top Robots



Greg Driver & Gary Hedges join us again, this time run down our favourite robots from anime and manga. And one thing that isn’t either. And one robot that’s technically a cyborg, despite the only rule being no cyborgs.

WARNING: this episode contains a DBZ discussion that may have you shouting at your generic mp3 playing devices. All I will say is stick with it.

Plus, Tomorrow’s Nadja is once again our WEEKLY RETRO RECAP. Will it be the first show to go beyond two episodes? Download and find out!

Episode 81 – Cyber City Oedo 808


Everyone guests on this episode of Dynamite In The Brain. Well not quite everyone, but we do have Gary Hedges, Greg Driver and Niall Flanagan on board to talk 1991’s CYBER CITY OEDO 808. The violence, the swearing, the vampires, the swearing, the robots, the swearing, it’s all here on another bumper episode of DITB.

As a counter point to this outpouring of 1990’s OAV excess, this week’s Weekly Retro Recap is episode 1 of TOMORROW’S NADJA, a tale of an orphan finding her way in the Europe of the early 20th century.

All this and we totally forget to mention that we’ve been at this podcast lark for TWO YEARS now.



Episode 73 – DITB Xmas Spectacular ’12


Here it is, our second XMAS SPECTACULAR~!

Debbie Crisp and Gary Hedges join us to once again review Xmas musical fare from the world of anime (and tokusatsu). And then we all assemble around the old Joanna for a festive sing song.

All this plus the usual stations of UK anime releases and WATCHUWATCH.

00:17:00 – Xmas Anison Armageddon

00:59:00 – Xmas Karaoke

Check our facebook  page for full versions of the songs.

No episode next week, but will be back in the New Year with our run down of all that was good in 2012, so see you there.

Marill Christmas Everyone!

Bonus Episode – Anison Armageddon

A partial recording of our Anison Armageddon panel from Kitacon 4. Anthony and Brian are joined by Leon Everett, Niall Flanagan and Gary Hedges to review rap anime songs. The audience weigh in with their own opinions and a fun time is had by all.

Big thanks to Lewis Smith for lending his Blue microphone after Brian left his at home…

Episode 40 – NINJA MONTH PART 4 – Naruto

As we are looking back to 2002 each month, there could be only one choice for our fourth ninja related show – Naruto.

Gary Hedges joins us to talk about the first five episodes of the show that kicked off a decade of orange jumpsuited ninja-ry. We talk about our history with the franchise, whether we think it still holds up in 2012 and Anthony uses a hugely inappropriate adjective to describe a combat scene.

Episode 39 – NINJA MONTH PART 3 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Behold, the death rattle of a once popular fad. It’s the 1996/97 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles OAV series – Legend of the Supermutants. The turtles get EXTREME TO THE MAX with an Image Comics style redesign before travelling to Japan to rip off Saint Seiya.

Gary Hedges joins us in our discussion of this oddity of the Turtle boom and all things Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Raphael in this latest exciting episode of Dynamite In The Brain.


Episode 31 – Ant & Dec Invented Cosplay

Episode 31

Anthony is on holiday, so Gary Hedges joins me to talk Saban dubs that made it to the UK. We’ve even seen some of them. Plus: a brief history of Saturday Morning Kids TV in the UK, how breakfast TV was saved again and again, facts everyone thinks only they know, interrupting dogs and much, much more.

Ask us questions at Formspring

Theme music by Paul Smith of quiet quiet band.

You can find Gary Hedges, on twitter here.

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Dynamite In The Brain – Episode 12 – Hairy Transformers


It’s part two of our Marvel Productions chat wtih Gary Hedges!

Trapped in a world we never made, we talk juvenile puppets, ponies, repatriated Real American Heroes, things we thought were Guyver, Billy Zane and much, much more.

Muppet Babies
GI Joe
Jem & The Holograms
Defenders of the Earth
Glo Friends

We’ll be back next week with the first part of our RPG episodes.

Theme music by Paul Smith of quiet quiet band.

You can find Anthony Askew on the web here, here and on twitter here.

You can find Gary Hedges on twitter here


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Dynamite In The Brain – Episode 11 – A Surprising Amount of Ant Talk


Gary Hedges is back! For another trip down memory lane, this time the one marked Marvel.

Face front True Believers as we go all the way back to the 1970s live action Spider-man. No not that one, the other one! Then we take in some international superheroes, a fast food eating vampire, some amazing friends, an amusement park ride with some serious health & safety issues, scented toys, ANTS, ANTS, ANTS and robots in disguise.

And guess what, there was too much chat to contain in one episode. So we’ll be back next week with MORE.

Japanese Spider Man
Battle Fever J
Tomb of Dracula
Spider Man & His Amazing Friends
Dungeons & Dragons
IMDB’s Top Ant Films


Theme music by Paul Smith of quiet quiet band.

You can find Anthony Askew on the web here, here and on twitter here.

You can find Gary Hedges on twitter here


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