Let’s Go! Episode 52 – Let’s Cast Out The Devil!

Vatican Miracle Examiner is this week’s best anime as the first arc draws to its explosive conclusion. Meanwhile the battle with Stain draws to a close in My Hero Academia, another 7 entrants get eliminated in Dragon Ball Super and a pretty good pun falls afoul of clumsy translation in Bono Bono. All this and more in another episode of Let’s Go, the weekly anime podcast about weekly anime!

Let’s Go! Episode 50 – Let’s Buy Equipment

Brian has a new mixer, so we’re sounding better than last week. We add Magical Circle Guru Guru to the new anime we’re watching. Vatican Miracle Examiners continues to delight with its schlock. And we talk a lot about a blink and you’ll miss it scene that makes us question whether or not to continue with Made in Abyss. Plus, Stain lays out the law, Krillin takes to the spotlight, Nina and Jeanne go to heaven and Kanemori Steve’s dog tracks down Pascal.