“Staked through the heart and you’re to blame, you give genetically engineered monsters designed for fighting, a bad name.”

That’s right, it’s 2012’s anime adaptation of Masakazu Katsura’s bloody superhero manga. Our first of four superhero shows, we discuss this melange of Batman, Devilman and Iron Man. Did we love it or hate it? Find out in a new episode of Dynamite In The Brain.

Episode 43 – Winter Catch Up & Spring Preview

To begin the episode Anthony & Brian look back to episode 33 and the winter anime they said they were looking forward to. Did they watch them? What did they think of them?

Then, having undermined their anime quality soothsaying abilities, they go ahead and pick what spring season anime they are looking forward to.

BTW we recorded this before Ozma episode 1 aired, admittedly hours before it aired, but it still counted as a preview then!