Let’s Go JoJo! Episode 8 – Devil


Q: Are We Not Podcasters? A: We are DITB and SOTSM!

It’s another fun episode of Let’s Go JoJo! Star Platinum lures otaku into debt, Anthony continues his hunt for the JJBA:ASB demo and we probably call Soul Sacrifice “Soul Survivor” too many times.  Meanwhile, Polnareff learns why you should never share a hotel room with a stranger at anime conventions.

Let’s Go JoJo! Episode 7 – Strength


This Orangutan is a one man gang. And heroes must defeat it or face certain death at sea. Yes, it’s another episode of Let’s Go JoJo, the weekly JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure podcast brought to you by Dynamite in the Brain and Secret of the Sailor Madness. Orangutan movies, careful (and not so careful) tiptoeing around that scene, discussions of Evil Stand User’s travel plans and more await you in this week’s episode.

Episode 140 – Space Dandy Season 1


It’s time for a Dandy podcast on the internet, with guest Ebbie from OKKO ANIME CLUB, as talk 2014’s sci-fi comedy Space Dandy! Apologies for the two things Brian promises he’ll discuss later in the show and then never does, we’ll try and talk about them when we do the Season 2 episode later in the year.

Smash Hit episode 1 is the Weekly Retro Recap. Blame Anthony for that one.

Let’s Go JoJo! Episode 6 – Dark Blue Moon


Following their less than successful attempt to fly to Egypt, the Joestar group sail away on a troubled ship that leads them to encounter a stowaway, sharks and would you believe it, an Evil Stand User whose name has been changed to avoid infringing on the name of a 70’s pop duo. It’s episode 6 of your weekly JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure podcast from Dynamite In The Brain and Secret of the Sailor Madness.

Let’s Go JoJo! Episode 4 – Tower of Grey


It’s another episode of the JoJo’s podcast with Dynamite In The Brain and Secret of the Sailor Madness. Joseph, Jotaro, Mohammed and Noriaki are leaving on a jet plane to Egypt. That’s if Gray Fly, the serial killer with a tongue ripping Stand will let them. Plus we meet the French hi-top haircut that is Jean Pierre Polnareff.

Episode 138 – Gunsmith Cats


Niall Flanagan stops by the DITB shop to talk 1994’s Gunsmith Cats, the OAV adaptation of Kenichi Sonoda’s bounty hunter manga. And the general discomfort surrounding the character Minnie May and how most of it is absent from the anime version. We also delve into episode 3 of Genshiken, our Weekly Retro Recap and play a cat-themed game.