Episode 42 – Top Anime Mums

anime mums

It’s Mothering Sunday, so Brian and Anthony run down their TOP 5 ANIME MUMS!

There’s likely some spoilers in here, so consider yourselves warned. Also, Brian goes an a ridiculous, lengthy tangent that has nothing to do with mums whatsoever, but does, of course, involve Devilman and Violence Jack.

Let us know who your favourite anime mums are in the comments below, and we might read them out on a future episode.

And remember, as the Hairy Bikers told us, MUMS KNOW BEST.

Episode 41 – Urusei Yatsura Beautiful Dreamer

Bradley C Meek from THEM Anime Reviews joins us to talk Urusei Yatsura and the film Beautiful Dreamer. It’s a long one and we will spoil the hell out of this 1984 film that is now out of print, and so it doesn’t really matter. As well as lots of UY talk, we digress into Brian’s WAR ON NARRATIVE, Lupin III and Mamoru Oshii’s fear of eating in.

Struggling to keep up with us on this episode, or just want to know more about Urusei Yatsura? Visit Tomobiki-cho, a UY fansite that’s been around since 1996!

The song that indirectly got me into Urusei Yatsura.

Former strong man and breeder of fancy birds, Geoff Capes:

Brian winds up LOGH fans by telling them it’s a not a very good cartoon


Episode 40 – NINJA MONTH PART 4 – Naruto

As we are looking back to 2002 each month, there could be only one choice for our fourth ninja related show – Naruto.

Gary Hedges joins us to talk about the first five episodes of the show that kicked off a decade of orange jumpsuited ninja-ry. We talk about our history with the franchise, whether we think it still holds up in 2012 and Anthony uses a hugely inappropriate adjective to describe a combat scene.

Episode 39 – NINJA MONTH PART 3 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Behold, the death rattle of a once popular fad. It’s the 1996/97 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles OAV series – Legend of the Supermutants. The turtles get EXTREME TO THE MAX with an Image Comics style redesign before travelling to Japan to rip off Saint Seiya.

Gary Hedges joins us in our discussion of this oddity of the Turtle boom and all things Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Raphael in this latest exciting episode of Dynamite In The Brain.


Episode 38 – NINJA MONTH PART 2 – Renaissance Laser Ninjas

Lupin III: The Last Job gets the Dynamite In The Brain once over.

It’s Lupin vs Zenigata vs Fujiko vs the last of the Fuma Clan vs Papal Euro Ninjas, in a fight to get their hands on an centuries old Italian doomsday device. Disguises are worn, kittens are saved, and Anthony doesn’t like blonde haired bearded villains.

All this and more in part two of NINJA MONTH!

Episode 37 – NINJA MONTH PART 1 – Ninja Scroll


And what better way to kick it off than with Yoshiaki Kawajiri’s 1993 OAV, Ninja Scroll.

Well, a better way would have been for Anthony and Brian to have not been incredibly ill during the recording, but fear not friend listener, for we have a guest to carry us to the end of the episode. It’s Niall Flanagan of the fresh out of the internet oven podcast, Secret of The  Sailor Madness.


Episode 36 – Genius Party Beyond

As promised, we’re back with the second Genius Party project, Genius Party Beyond. Let’s see if there’s any stinkers like “Limit Cycle” this time round, as five top animators hand their homework in late for the 2008 sequel/extension of Studio 4°C’s anthology.

Plus, we chat about what we’ve thought of the 2012 winter season anime so far. So sit back, relax and listen to this week’s Dynamite In The Brain.

Because next week… NINJA MONTH BEGINS!


Episode 35 – The Cat Returns

In case you hadn’t realised, it’s 2012. And that means our monthly look at anime from a decade ago has moved up to 2002. ARITHMETIC!

We kick things off with the Studio Ghibli movie, The Cat Returns, and to help us discuss it we are joined by Grace Chan.  It’s a topsy turvy episode as we journey into Anthony’s youth with a tale of a trip to a  pantomime, we recast the film as a Hollywood blockbuster, Brian sings the theme tune to a cartoon only he appears to remember, stop motion mice are impersonated and much, much more.

(there was an interview section with Grace I had to cut out due a temperamental phone line making the final recording sound more like a Derek Acorah seance than interview, next time she’s on we’ll talk more about her animation background and fun times at UK conventions)


Episode 34 – Chekhov’s Hand Grenade


It’s anthology time once again, and this time we look at one of the biggest of the last decade, GENIUS PARTY.

Seven films from seven directors, but do they all exhibit the promised “genius” of the anthology’s name? There’s only one way to find out*, and that is to listen to this new episode of Dynamite In The Brain.

But first a warning for those listeners afraid of spoilers, these are shorts, so we tend to talk about them fairly in depth in order to have something to talk about.

Oh and before I go, there’s also some Poyopoyo and Kitacon talk at the end.

* actually there’s loads of ways, you could buy it yourself, read reviews, ask your friends, but we recommend listening to this podcast.

Episode 33 – Happy New Website



So tell all the boys and girls. Your brother and your sister and your mamma too.

And then get mad that Google autocompletes “word up lyrics” as “word up lyrics korn” before it does “word up lyrics cameo”. I ask you, what’s the world coming to?

Well it’s come to this – Anthony and myself running down our top five anime shows of 2011. What will win? What will have been forgotten? Will we mention Madoka Magica at all?


Then, not satisfied with that, we pick what shows look good to us in 2012. HINT: Spherical cats and swordsmen feature.

All this and the revelation of what anime character Anthony most identifies with!