Let’s Go! Episode 52 – Let’s Cast Out The Devil!

Vatican Miracle Examiner is this week’s best anime as the first arc draws to its explosive conclusion. Meanwhile the battle with Stain draws to a close in My Hero Academia, another 7 entrants get eliminated in Dragon Ball Super and a pretty good pun falls afoul of clumsy translation in Bono Bono. All this and more in another episode of Let’s Go, the weekly anime podcast about weekly anime!

Let’s Go! Episode 50 – Let’s Buy Equipment

Brian has a new mixer, so we’re sounding better than last week. We add Magical Circle Guru Guru to the new anime we’re watching. Vatican Miracle Examiners continues to delight with its schlock. And we talk a lot about a blink and you’ll miss it scene that makes us question whether or not to continue with Made in Abyss. Plus, Stain lays out the law, Krillin takes to the spotlight, Nina and Jeanne go to heaven and Kanemori Steve’s dog tracks down Pascal.

Let’s Go! Episode 46 – Let’s Go To The Zoo

This week, Brian, Dwayne and Niall take a trip to the zoo with 100% Teacher Pascal, make deals with Goma-chan, go for a walk with Chipmunk’s Dad, become grandfathers with the Laughing Salesman, see quadruple with Tiger Mask and remember just how awful a person Frieza is. Plus, sports day is over in My Hero Academia and Nina & Jeanne make a break for it in Rage of Bahamut.

Let’s Go! Episode 45 – Let’s Get Hurt

An episode full of Brian goofing up! Wrong episodes watched, correct episodes we watched but Brian stormed straight past without reviewing, headphone problems, and more! In the shows we actually watched: Kanemori Steve is once again victim of the whims of 100% Teacher Pascal. The next arc starts before the last one has ended in My Hero Academia. Goku & Frieza get ready to team up. And most importantly of all, Fishing Cat is found.

Let’s Go! Episode 44 – Let’s Make A Deal

Goku goes to Hell to to find the new 10th member of the team, Midoriya destroys his fingers to bring Shoto out of his shell, Favaro catches Kaisar up with what he’s been up to, Moguro goes on bathhouse crawl, Chidori takes on a master swordsman, and 100% Pascal does a Drifting Classroom homage. All this and a little bit more on this week’s Let’s Go!

Let’s Go! Episode 42 – Let’s Sing!

Wake up Niall, it’s time for Let’s Go! The Weekly Podcast About Weekly Anime! This week: Moguro helps a man lead a double life, Bonobono and chums figure out the deal with hobbies, there are many decapitations in Ninja Girl and Samurai Master, Pascal has the May Sickness, Universe 9 are having a hard time of it, Tiger Mask is out numbered in a lumber jack match and the Awesome Fine Screw wishes for a musical episode of Heybot!

Let’s Go! Episode 41 – Let’s Beat Up Our Dads

Any of you guys ever beat up your dad? Well this week, Gohan does just that in order to push himself beyond his limits. Plus, a rare salaryman-free Laughing Salesman, boring stories in Bono Bono, too many yetis in Shonen Ashibe, first love in Rage of Bahamut, Pop Quizzes in 100 % Teacher Pascal, and Let’s Go Jo Jo! with PriPri Chi-chan.